What is Root Canal Treatment?
The process of root canal treatment is the treatment of the problem arising from the dental nerves and the restoration of the tissues around the tooth to health by the canal treatment method. In practice, it is aimed to prevent infections that fill the inside of the dental nerve from damaging other dental tissues.
The reason why treatment is needed is usually dental caries. Some bacteria are found in dental caries. Some of these bacteria do not cause any harm, while others break down foods containing carbohydrates. These release acids that will damage the dentin and tooth enamel. These bacteria in question can progress to the part where the dental nerves are located. Here, treatment is needed to prevent all this negative process.
Dental root canal treatment
A blow received by a person to the tooth or jaw can kill the pulp tissue contained in the tooth. However, a cut occurs in the blood circulation transmitted to the tooth. And as a result, the tooth becomes lifeless and shows coloration. Treatment should be applied so that this adverse case can be corrected.
Following the filling procedure, root canal treatment may be needed in some cases. This is due to the fact that the dental caries is not cleaned properly before the filling is performed. Because the plump cannot be done properly, the progress in the bruise continues. In these cases, root canal treatment should also be applied.
In addition to all these negative conditions, sometimes the method of root canal treatment may be preferred for gum disorders. If the gum allows the tooth to be exposed to infection and problems in the tissues around the tooth increase, it should be applied. The bacteria here progress to the dental pulp through small side channels and cause damage to the dental nerve.
How is Root Canal Treatment Performed?
There are some stages in the treatment. Before starting treatment, it is important to clean the bacteria that have formed in the inner part of the tooth and the residues or toxins left after the collapse of the nerve tissue here. If the treatment is started before this cleaning is done, there may be a reaction caused by inflammation in the body.
Before starting treatment, anesthesia is applied to the tooth so that the patient will not feel any pain. If there is a filling in the patient, these fillings should be removed. If there is a caries in the tooth, the caries tissue should be completely cleaned. After this procedure, work is done with tools to clean the nerve and vascular tissues inside the root canal. At this time, disinfectants are used to keep the inside of the tooth root clean. Jul.
In the root canal treatment, a dental X-ray can be taken in order to reach the tip of the root. However, the dentist may not want an X-ray for these procedures. Instead of an X-ray, he can do this with a device called an Apexlocater. This procedure is performed especially for women who are during pregnancy in order to avoid X-ray light.
After the cleaning process is completed, the specialist physician will start expanding and shaping the canal by looking at the results. This process is performed by taking advantage of the rotary system technique. After the procedure is completed, it is decided whether there will be a single or multiple session. According to this plan, the application is arranged.
If a single session of root canal treatment is involved; the inside of the canal is dried with the help of paperpoint. Again, the pat and guta for the canal are filled with a filler called parquet. If deemed necessary, the renovation work is completed by applying a crown or post coating on it.
If multiple sessions of root canal treatment are involved; in the intermediate sessions, after the root Decontamination process is completed, it is checked whether there is any infection in the tooth. If this condition is still in question, calcium-based medication will be given to the tooth and it will be kept for up to 10 days. If all these problems disappear, treatment is continued and tooth regeneration will be completed.
In which cases can root canal treatment be applied?
In caries where the teeth have progressed to areas called nerves
When the tooth loses its vitality as a result of excessive excessive force in orthodontic treatment
In severe progressive gum problems
In the treatment of sensitivities caused by wear on the teeth
Does Pain Occur After Root Canal Treatment?
There is no pain after the treatment. If a pain condition occurs, there is a possibility that the tooth has become infected again. In such a case, the treatment should be completed by restoring.
How to decide whether treatment is needed or not ?
If there is cold heat sensitivity in the teeth
If a person has toothache while eating and after eating
If there is a color change in the teeth when the nerves die
If there is swelling on the face when there is an abscess
He says you need treatment.
Considerations for canal treatment
After treatment, one should pay attention to the issue of eating and drinking before the effect of anesthesia passes, not to eat or drink anything as much as possible.
During the treatment, hard foods and sticky foods should be avoided.
Care should be taken so that the temporary filling does not fall off.